彩色底片自家沖洗DIY-藥劑保存及負片診斷|說明書 (附錄CINESTILL技術文件)
朋友看著 ECN-2 電影底片藥劑,有個疑問。我在使用說明書裡頭寫著:
彩色顯影(彩顯)藥劑保存期限,未開封濃縮液 1 年,已開封濃縮液 24 週,未使用工作液 1 週內使用不可超過 2 週,已使用工作液 3 天內使用不可超過 1 週(可回收再使用 1 次)。****未滿瓶存放,保存期限會縮短,建議滿瓶密封避光保存。
以目前使用狀況最差的來看,已使用過的工作液滿瓶密封避光保存 1 週後進行第 2 次沖洗,沖出來還是有影像,只是看習慣了新鮮藥劑沖掃結果,這樣的工作液還是存在著些微色偏、些微清晰度下降(雖說是些微,但我來看覺得算是明顯了),雖然這在數位調整不是大問題,但我覺得不夠穩定,所以這個經驗並沒有寫進說明書。
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有人說拍攝前女友的底片也這樣毀掉,他感到無比開心XD |
原PO: "I guess my developer went from good/fine to completely gone in a week or so.",也就是說,藥劑可能才開封一週就死了,後面有人詢問是否為 CINESTILL 的藥劑,因為他有更慘的災情,隔天回收使用就死了: "Was it cinestill c41 developer?......2 rolls developed were fine. Then the next day it was completely dead. No warning......." 原PO回覆: "yeah it was(cinestill c41 developer)."
無論如何,使用彩色底片顯影藥劑,如果是濃縮液,建議是單次沖洗量現配現用,就算要回收使用,也應該是直接連續作業,盡量不保存已使用過的工作液。如果是粉劑,那沒辦法,一定是一次全部配開(但粉劑未配開前是比濃縮液穩定的)。不過 CINESTILL 的彩色負片 C-41 顯影能力表格最嚴格的標示是每 250ml 可沖 2 捲 135-36,使用 JOBO 罐子滾沖其實也只能沖 1 次,不能回收。
CINESTILL 官方技術文件(節錄)
不過根據 CINESTILL 官方技術文件其實有寫著但書,記載了「如果要沖更多的話」的落落長說明,以下簡單翻譯:
More Chemistry Capacity(from cinestill website)
One is always concerned about chemistry life and capacity, quality of results and economy when processing multiple rolls in a batch of chemistry. From the user’s viewpoint it may seem that chemistry manufacturers are somewhat arbitrary about the number of films which can be processed before the chemistry must be dis- carded. This stems from the manufacturer not knowing - only guessing - four essential things: how many films will be processed in freshly mixed chemistry; in what manner and how long will the chemistry be stored before processing again; what contaminants have entered the system from either the water supply or from uninten- tional chemical intermixing; and how far can the results deviate from ideal before the user deems them unac- ceptable.
- 新鮮工作液會被用來處理幾捲底片
- 回收後,直到再次使用前的保存方式
- 供水汙染或無意的化學藥劑交叉汙染
- 用戶對於沖洗品質下降的接受程度(翻譯註:有些人確實是覺得有影像就好了)
All developers start on an inexorable downhill exhaustion path the moment they are mixed, and exhaust faster in the presence of air, contaminants and high temperature, and suffer superimposed stepwise exhaustion with each use. We can offer some observations on extended chemical capacity:
• If you accept the role as the final arbiter of acceptable results it is easily possible to process 25%, 50%, or even more rolls of film than those listed in the capacity charts above by following the instructions below for “Chemical Reuse - Processing with Weakened Developer Solution”, so long as all processing takes place within or even more rolls of film than those listed in the capacity charts above by following the instructions below for “Chemical Reuse - Processing with Weakened Developer Solution”, so long as all processing takes place within a few days after mixing the chemicals. There is only one rule in this exercise: process film until you no longer like the results. The safeguard in this procedure is that results generally will not plummet precipitously from “good” to “bad”, but will change gradually.
• If you take full responsibility for quality of results, it is possible to process more film over a much longer time span. This procedure is somewhat risky unless you process some film every day or so to monitor chem- istry performance. Otherwise, partially used working solutions left untouched for a week or more might have changed so significantly that you would suffer a dramatic decline in results. If you choose to operate under these conditions, our best advice would be to process a small piece of test film, and on the basis of these results, decide whether or not to commit valuable pictures to the chemistry
嗯,我會乖乖的,濃縮液拆封後小瓶分裝滿瓶避光保存,濃縮液現配現用,要回收使用頂多 1 次,最好馬上沖第二批;粉劑配開後小瓶分裝滿瓶避光保存,甚至累積底片一整天直接耗盡。